Request a Recall Petition!

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“The Republican Party supports the Recall of Councilwoman Jessie Lopez. Lopez has turned her back on Santa Ana voters. Her rabid anti-police policies are putting all Santa Ana families in danger. She voted to lift the 30 year ban on street cruising and opposed stopping street racing and street take-overs. Lopez even went as far as to endorse an extreme national effort to abolish the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Her housing policies are sending rents through the roof and hurting families when they can afford it the least.

Jessie Lopez’s Santa Ana is unsafe and unaffordable. There are only days left to sign the recall petition and we need every Republican voter in Santa Ana to sign the recall petition to remove Jessie Lopez.”

Hon. Fred M. Whitaker
Chairman – Republican Party of Orange County

If you would like a representative from OCGOP to bring you a recall petition to secure your signature, please complete the form below.

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