College and High School Students
Monthly Meetings: OCGOP Headquarters
2nd Friday of Each Month
Paula Prizio, Youth Chair

- To promote the principles of the Republican Party among future voters
- To develop the potential leaders of the Republican Party for succeeding generations
- To establish a Youth Precinct Organization which will complement the Central Committee’s precinct organization
Members are high school and college students and young Republican voters. Active members of the Youth Associates are committed to promoting Republicanism through service and leadership.
Members are recruited from the entire county and “represent the assets, problems and peculiarities within Orange County from the standpoint of the Republican Youth.”
- Discussion of current events and problems confronting the Republican Party and the United States.
- Study of America’s political system through speakers and readings.
- Active involvement in the political process, such as walking precincts, volunteering for campaigns or speaking to students to students on high school or college campuses.
- Encourage students to seek internships in Washington, D.C. and Sacramento.
Please contact the Youth Associate Chairman, Paula Prizio, for meeting times and event schedule.
Phone: 714-366-0916
Donate To The OCGOP
Winning elections requires a warchest. This is especially true during these times when we are up against leftist unions, special interests, and dark money funded by wealthy progressives. Whether it’s $5 or $500, every dollar matters. We have a State to SAVE!
Elected Republican Leaders
Who are the elected Republican leaders in Orange County? From all backgrounds and with personal stories of triumph, our leaders are blazing a path for The American Dream.
OCGOP Events
Check out the latest upcoming events around the county. Join us. There is no better way to meet fellow Republicans in your local area. We hold events throughout the year ranging from socials to meetings.
Chairman's Circle
Volunteer organizations like ours need a dedicated group of able Patriots as donors. We invite you to join the OCGOP Chairman’s Circle. Membership has its many privileges including exclusive events and offers.
Volunteers Needed
Join us today as we work to elect Republicans at all levels of government in OC.
Upcoming Events
We would love to you meet you in person. Join fellow local Republicans at any of our upcoming events..
Register To Vote
Exercise your greatest privilege as an American citizen to cast a ballot for your Representative.
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”
Abraham Lincoln
“The history of free men is never written by chance but by choice - their choice.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower