Volunteers Needed

Join us today as we work to elect Republicans at all levels of government in OC.

Precinct Team

Take back your own neighborhood and city. Calling all Patriots for Precinct Captains.

Register To Vote

Exercise your greatest privilege as an American citizen to cast a ballot for your Representative.


Our job is simple – elect Republicans! We work throughout OC to elect Republicans at all levels of government from City Council to Congress. We win elections by registering Republican voters, supporting Republican candidates and by getting out the vote.

Winning elections requires a warchest. This is especially true during these times when we are up against leftist unions, special interests, and dark money funded by wealthy progressives. Whether it’s $5 or $500, every dollar matters. We have a State to SAVE!


Who are the elected Republican leaders in Orange County? From all backgrounds and with personal stories of triumph, our leaders are blazing a path for The American Dream.

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Check out the latest upcoming events around the county. Join us. There is no better way to meet fellow Republicans in your local area. We hold events throughout the year ranging from socials to meetings.

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Calling all college and high school students. Join fellow young conservatives to discuss current events, political processes, and grassroots activism. Have a blast and meet lifelong friends.

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From The Chairman

“Every day we are seeing the destruction that Democrat leadership is bringing to local communities. We cannot let Orange County fall to the far-left who seeks to fundamentally transform our home. With your help, we will fight back and restore commonsense representation of Orange County in Washington D.C. and Sacramento.”

Hon. Fred M. Whitaker
Chairman, Republican Party of Orange County
  • "With our eyes fixed on the future, but recognizing the realities of today. ... we will achieve our destiny to be as a shining city on a hill for all mankind to see."

    Ronald Reagan


  • “This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in.”

    Theodore Roosevelt


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